Monday, February 2, 2009

Q&A for Java

Q: Explain Database normalization?

A: Normalization is used to describe how to break a file down into tables to create a database. It is the technique for designing rational database to minimize duplication of information and in so doing to safeguard the database against certains types of logical or structural problems.

Q: What is spring?

A: Spring is the open source application framework for the java platform. Spring Framework does not enforce any specific programming model, It has become popular in the java community as an alternative, replacement, or even addition to the EJB (Enterprise java Beans) model. It can be used by any java application, there are many extensions and improvements for building web-based applications on top of the java Enterprise platform.

Q: What is JSF?

A: JSF is Java server faces framework, JavaServer Faces technology simplifies building user interfaces for JavaServer applications.

Q: What is inheritance?

A: inheritance is a way to form new classes (instances of which are called object) using classes that have already been defined. The new classes, known as derived classes, take over (or inherit) attributes and behavior of the pre-existing classes, which are referred to as base classes (or ancestor classes). It is intended to help reuses existing code with little or no modification.

Q: What is abstract?

A: A class containing abstract method is called Abstract class. An Abstract class can't be instantiated.

Q: What is interface?

A: Interface defines the methods but does not implement them. Interface can include constants. A class that implements the interfaces is bound to implement all the methods defined in Interface

Q: What is the difference between interface and abstract?

A: Differences are as follows: Interfaces provide a form of multiple inheritance. A class can extend only one other class. Interfaces are limited to public methods and constants with no implementation. Abstract classes can have a partial implementation, protected parts, static methods, etc. Class may implement several interfaces. But in case of abstract class, a class may extend only one abstract class. Interfaces are slow as it requires extra indirection to to find corresponding method in in the actual class. Abstract classes are fast.

Q: Explain your experience with Java-Hibernate-

AJAX-Struts? A: Java: Used oops concepts in the application like inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism etc

Hibernate: Hibernate is a powerful, high performance object/relational persistence and query service. Hibernate lets you develop persistent classes following object-oriented idiom - including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition, and collections. Hibernate allows you to express queries in its own portable SQL extension (HQL), as well as in native SQL, or with an object-oriented Criteria and Example API

AJAX: Used for Server side validation.

Struts: Used in MVC architecture for the application. Used Dyano Action forms in the Struts-config.xml

Q: Explain your experience & understanding with SOA and Agile methodology?

A:SOA is Service oriented architecture which is used to the concepts of webservices. We created WSDL and soap of webservices and communicate the messages with different servers.

Q: Do you know what adobe flex is?
A: Adobe Flex is a collection of technologies released by Adobe Systems for the development and deployment of cross platform rich internet applications based on the proprietary adobe flash platform.

Q: How do you use adobe flex relating to your project?

A:It is used for Front end layer like creating the jsp pages and java classes

Q: Why would adobe flex be used?

A:Adobe Flex is a collection of technologies released by Adobe Systems for the development and deployment of cross platform rich internet applications based on the proprietary adobe flash platform.

Q: Tell me what you do know about adobe flex?

A: Adobe Flex is a collection of technologies released by Adobe Systems for the development and deployment of cross platform rich internet applications based on the proprietary adobe flash platform.

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